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At Minimally Invasive and Bariatric Surgery, Dr. Bello and his expert medical team have years of experience performing surgical procedures to resolve multiple thyroid diseases and problems. The most typical procedure used to alleviate conditions, like thyroid cancer, other benign lumps or cysts, and goiters, is a partial or complete thyroidectomy.

Thyroid Q & A
What is a thyroidectomy?
A thyroidectomy is a surgical procedure which partially or fully removes the thyroid from the patient. The thyroid is a gland located at the base of the neck whose primary role is to produce hormones that affect metabolism. After the procedure, patients need to take daily thyroid hormone replacement pills.
How does the procedure work?

During a thyroidectomy, the patient is placed under general anesthesia for the duration of the procedure. The conventional method for thyroidectomies involves a singular small incision in the front of the neck. From this incision, the surgeon removes the thyroid gland. Your surgeon will consult with you to determine the best option based on your overall health, the type of disease, location of the disease, and severity of the issue.

What warrants a thyroidectomy?

There are any number of reasons why one may need to undergo a thyroidectomy. The most common issues resolved by thyroidectomy at MIB Surgery include:

  • Thyroid Cancer: Thyroid cancer is the most common cause for a thyroidectomy. Thyroid cancer develops from the tissue of the thyroid gland located in the front of the throat below the “Adam’s Apple.” Thyroid cancer is a serious disease and symptoms include neck pain, voice changes, breathing problems, coughing and trouble swallowing. If you believe you may have thyroid cancer, consult a doctor immediately.

  • Other benign lumps or cysts: Occasionally, patients will develop cysts or benign lumps on or near their thyroid glands. Even if they are not cancerous, it is vital to have a doctor look at them to ensure your health and safety as they may necessitate surgery.

  • Goiter: Goiter is a term for a non-cancerous enlargement of the thyroid. Despite its status as a non-cancerous, it is a serious condition which requires immediate treatment. If left untreated, it can continue to swell and cause further issues within the body of the patient.

What to expect after your thyroid surgery?

After the thyroidectomy is performed, the patient will wake up in a recovery room, typically after a couple of hours. They will neither feel nor remember the procedure. After some observation, the patient is released the same day. However, in more serious cases, they may need to stay for 1-2 more days. Often, patients are able to resume normal activities within 1-4 days after their thyroidectomy. Every individual is different, some may have longer recovery times with more stringent schedules, and some may have a quicker time with fewer restrictions. Dr. Bello will consult with each patient to craft the perfect surgery plan for their individual needs.

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