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Metabolic Surgery

Dr. Bello and the expert team at Minimally Invasive Bariatrics are an industry leading force in progressive metabolic and bariatric surgical procedures. We are committed to providing you with the best and most compassionate care for all your health needs. We will treat you the way we would want our loved ones to be treated, and our promise is to improve your quality of life, alleviate suffering, and expedite your return to the activities and past-times you love!

Metabolic Surgery  Q & A
What is Morbid Obesity?
Morbid obesity is defined generally as anyone who is at a “Body Mass Index” (BMI) of 40 or above. This constitutes a weight of about 100 pounds over ideal body weight. Additionally, a patient may be considered morbidly obese if they have a BMI of 35 or greater with two or more “co-morbid” conditions. Morbid obesity interferes with quality of life including such basic physical functions like breathing, sleeping and walking.
What is a Co-morbidity?

A co-morbidity is the presence of one or more disorders or diseases directly related to a primary disorder or disease. In this case of metabolic surgery, the primary disease is morbid obesity and co-morbidities of morbid obesity may include diabetes, heart disease, physical discomfort breathing, sleep apnea, joint damage and more.

What Causes Morbid Obesity?

The causes of morbid obesity are non-binary and hard to nail down. Genetics and both environmental and social factors all play a significant role in the development of cases of morbid obesity.

What is Metabolic Surgery?

Metabolic surgery is a general term assigned to any weight-loss surgery designed to create a permanent reduction in patient weight and an increase in patients’ quality of life. Metabolic surgery is designed for people with a BMI over 40, or a BMI over 35 with co-morbidities.

Do I Qualify for Insurance Coverage for my Metabolic Surgery?

Every insurance policy and insurance company is unique. At Minimally Invasive Bariatrics we accept the majority of insurance policies with some certain requirements. The best way to ensure that your policy will cover the procedure is to call us and schedule a consultation!

How Long is the Hospital Stay After Surgery?

Depending on the procedure, and the manner in which it is performed (open surgery vs. minimally invasive) your hospital stay time will vary. For some procedures (ex. gastric balloon) you may be able to leave the same day. Others could require you to stay in the hospital for up to two days being monitored (ex. Gastric bypass).


What is Type-2 Diabetes?

Type-2 diabetes is a long-term metabolic disorder where the body produces insulin but resists it. Insulin is a vital peptide hormone necessary for the body to process and utilize sugar. This is known as insulin resistance. It may cause high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and metabolic syndrome.


How is Type-2 Diabetes Affected by Metabolic Surgery?

Studies have shown empirically that the majority of patients whom have had metabolic surgery experience the resolution of their diabetes. Results are also positive showing a dramatic decrease in co-morbidities associated with morbid obesity and type-2 diabetes.


Can I Become Pregnant Following Metabolic Surgery?

Yes, you can! Often our patients experience MORE success with their attempts at pregnancy following their procedures!


Reproductive health is often a serious concern with women who are fighting morbid obesity. Issues associated with morbid obesity include infertility (inability to produce children), increased risk for miscarriage, and menstrual irregularities.


Studies have shown, as well as the experiences we have seen first-hand with our patients, that metabolic surgery has greatly improved the fertility of our patients, and their quality of life!


What Can I Expect After My Metabolic surgery?
Metabolic surgery is not a panacea, it is part of an important journey towards a full lifestyle transformation and a higher quality of life! After surgery, you will feel more satisfied and fuller with less food. If you maintain a healthier diet and exercise regimen as recommended by our staff, you will see results like you’ve never experienced before!

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